FREE Google PageRank™ Tool for your website/blog!

SEO results in the SERPs of google

Google PageRank™ Tool
 Pagerank Statistics
PR 9
255 sites
PR 8
1682 sites
PR 7
5104 sites
PR 6
13383 sites
PR 5
22053 sites
PR 4
31360 sites
PR 3
43336 sites
PR 2
8948 sites
PR 1
67472 sites
PR 0
203188 sites
476187 sites

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  Why is pagerank still important?

PageRank is a link analysis algorithm, named after Larry Page used by the Google Internet search engine that assigns a numerical weighting to each element of a hyperlinked set of documents with the purpose of "measuring" its relative importance on the Internet as explained on wikipedia the free encyclopedia.

Now, there are other seo metrics you can take into account. The gogole pagerank toolbar has not been updated since december 2013 and google spokesman said it is not probably updated any time soon to avoid link builders going after pages with a pagerank to get a backlink. It seems that mozrank, majestic trust flow may be the new page power metric - so rather than quantity the filtered quality should deserve some attention.

Most seo experts question the impact of toolbar pagernak - one thing is sure google tries to counterbalance linkbuilder spam and in many cases you do not see the correct value of a page and another recent phenomenon is that pr toolbar is rarely updated. You will see subpage changes in terms of pagerank - watch closely your bar to make sure your pages are not hit with a pagerank penalty.

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